澳大利亚电视明星Kay McGrath的未婚夫Richard Moore在印度死于心脏病发作。 Australian TV star Kay McGrath's fiancé, Richard Moore, died from a heart attack in India.
澳大利亚电视明星Kay McGrath宣布了她的未婚夫Richard Moore的悲惨死亡, Australian TV star Kay McGrath announced the tragic death of her fiancé, Richard Moore, who died from a heart attack while they were traveling in India. 这对夫妇自2016年起订婚,最近访问了Taj Mahal。 The couple, engaged since 2016, had recently visited the Taj Mahal. McGrath对他们在一起的时间表示感谢,并得到了对Moore的大量支持和赞扬,Moore因其善良和智慧而被人们铭记。 McGrath has expressed gratitude for their time together and received an outpouring of support and tributes for Moore, who was remembered for his kindness and intelligence.