Bollywood制片人Reena Dutta的父亲去世了;她前夫Aamir Khan拜访她表示哀悼。 Bollywood filmmaker Reena Dutta's father passed away; Aamir Khan, her ex-husband, visited for condolences.
电影制片人丽娜·达塔的父亲于2024年10月2日在孟买去世. Bollywood filmmaker Reena Dutta's father passed away on October 2, 2024, in Mumbai. Reena的前夫Aamir Khan访问了她,以表示哀悼。 Aamir Khan, Reena's ex-husband, visited her to offer condolences. 这对夫妇从1986年至2002年结婚,父母生两个孩子,尽管离婚,他们仍然有密切的结合关系。 The couple, married from 1986 to 2002 and parents to two children, shared a close bond despite their divorce. 死因不明,但他是退役空军军官。 The cause of death remains unspecified, but he was a retired Air Force officer. 在这一困难时刻,包括汗及其母亲在内的朋友和家人都表示了他们的支持。 Friends and family, including Khan and his mother, have shown their support during this difficult time.