女演员Sigourney Weaver加入“Mandalorian & Grogu”作为权威人物, 预定于2026年5月释放。 Actress Sigourney Weaver joins "The Mandalorian & Grogu" as a character of authority, set to release in May 2026.
女演员Sigourney Weaver即将在2026年5月即将推出的电影《曼达洛里安和格鲁古》中加入星战宇宙。 Actress Sigourney Weaver is joining the Star Wars universe in the upcoming film "The Mandalorian & Grogu," set for release in May 2026. Weaver的角色涉及权威地位,包括与由Pedro Pascal所扮演的粉丝-最喜爱的格罗古和赏金猎人Din Djarin的人物互动。 Weaver's role involves a position of authority and includes interactions with the fan-favorite character Grogu and bounty hunter Din Djarin, played by Pedro Pascal. Weaver透露她很兴奋能和现在的"小坏蛋"Grogu一起工作 Weaver revealed she was excited to work with the now "little badass" Grogu. 这部由Jon Favreau导演的影片也以Jeremy Allen White作为赫特人罗塔为主角。 The film, directed by Jon Favreau, also features Jeremy Allen White as Rotta the Hutt.