女演员Sigourney Weaver在《星球大战》的首演 2026年加入《曼达洛里安和格罗古》 Actress Sigourney Weaver debuts in Star Wars, joining "The Mandalorian & Grogu" cast in 2026.
Sigourney Weaver正式加入即将推出的《星球大战》电影《曼达洛里安与格罗古》, Sigourney Weaver has officially joined the cast of the upcoming Star Wars film, "The Mandalorian & Grogu," marking her debut in the Star Wars franchise. Weaver与Pedro Pascal和Steve Blum一道,将开展Jon Favreau指导的项目,电影定于2026年发行。 Weaver, along with Pedro Pascal and Steve Blum, will work on the project directed by Jon Favreau, with the film set for release in 2026. 影片继续讲述Din Djarin/The Mandalorian和他的监护人Grogu的故事, The film continues the story of Din Djarin/The Mandalorian and his ward, Grogu, from the Disney+ series of the same name.