阿联酋最高法院批准将贩毒分子Mehdi Charafa引渡至法国受审。 UAE's top court approves extradition of drug trafficker Mehdi Charafa to France for trial.
阿联酋最高法院已批准将贩毒者Mehdi Charafa引渡到法国,他在那里面临贩毒和洗钱的指控。 The UAE's top court has approved the extradition of drug trafficker Mehdi Charafa to France, where he faces charges of drug trafficking and money laundering. 这一决定是在Charafa上诉失败后作出的,并遵守阿联酋和法国2007年的引渡协定。 This decision follows Charafa's failed appeals and adheres to the 2007 extradition agreement between the UAE and France. 阿联酋近年来签署了45项引渡条约,以促进打击全球犯罪的国际法律合作。 The UAE has signed over 45 extradition treaties in recent years to boost international legal cooperation against global crimes.