阿联酋代表团访问巴黎,以促进打击金融犯罪的合作,强调其2024-2027年战略。 UAE delegation visits Paris to boost cooperation against financial crimes, highlighting their 2024-2027 strategy.
阿联酋的一个高级别代表团访问了巴黎,以加强与法国在打击金融和有组织犯罪方面的合作。 A high-level UAE delegation visited Paris to enhance cooperation with France in combating financial and organized crimes. 访问团强调了阿联酋打击金融犯罪的2024-2027年国家战略,强调国际伙伴关系。 The mission highlighted the UAE's National Strategy 2024-2027 to combat financial crimes, emphasizing international partnerships. 最近的努力包括2024年2月签署《谅解备忘录》,以加强金融数据交换,反映两国对打击金融犯罪和促进透明度的承诺。 Recent efforts include a Memorandum of Understanding signed in February 2024 to enhance financial data exchange, reflecting both nations' commitment to fighting financial crimes and promoting transparency.