Springfield考虑通过新的法令,拖走牌照过期或遗失的车辆,以收回税款。 Springfield considers new ordinance to tow vehicles with expired or missing plates, aiming to recover taxes.
Springfield领导人提出一项新的法令,允许警察拖走车牌过期或遗失的车辆,目的是提高车辆登记率,收回380万美元的未付税款。 Springfield leaders propose a new ordinance allowing police to tow vehicles with expired or missing plates, aiming to boost vehicle registration and recover $3.8 million in unpaid taxes. Ken McClure市长和议员Craig Hosmer支持这项措施, 而批评者担心这可能会伤害陷入经济困境的居民。 Mayor Ken McClure and Councilmember Craig Hosmer back the measure, while critics worry it may hurt financially struggling residents. 市议会将在星期一首次阅读该条例。 The ordinance will be read for the first time by the city council on Monday.