自2024年3月以来, 纽约市当局查封了“鬼车牌”, 逮捕了740多人, 没收了3400辆汽车。 NYC authorities crack down on "ghost plates," making over 740 arrests and seizing 3,400 vehicles since March 2024.
纽约市当局正在加紧努力,打击“鬼牌”,因为“鬼牌”是隐蔽的或伪造的牌照,用来躲避伤亡和掩盖犯罪活动。 New York City authorities are intensifying efforts against "ghost plates," which are obscured or fake license plates used to evade tolls and conceal criminal activity. 自2024年3月以来,由于纽约警察局、MTA警察和纽约州警察局的协调行动,逮捕了740多人,扣押了3 400多部车辆。 Since March 2024, coordinated operations by the NYPD, MTA Police, and New York State Police have led to over 740 arrests and the seizure of more than 3,400 vehicles. 镇压的目的是加强道路安全,阻止此类车牌的犯罪使用,以恢复数百万人的生活。 The crackdown aims to enhance road safety and deter criminal use of such plates, recovering millions in tolls.