爱尔兰国有银行PTSB计划削减300个工作岗位,或占劳动力的10%。 PTSB, Ireland's state-owned bank, plans to cut 300 jobs, or 10% of its workforce.
爱尔兰国有银行PTSB计划在10月推出自愿裁员计划后, 削减约300个工作岗位, 约占劳动力的10%, PTSB, Ireland's state-owned bank, plans to cut about 300 jobs, around 10% of its workforce, after a voluntary redundancy scheme launched in October. 该银行雇用了大约3 000名工人,它报告去年上半年的税前利润为7 500万欧元。 The bank, which employs about 3,000 workers, reported a pre-tax profit of €75m in the first half of last year. 裁员方案最初是针对高级管理人员的,后来向所有工作人员开放。 The redundancy program, initially for senior managers, was later opened to all staff.