抗议者聚集在阿肯色州国会大厦,作为全国范围内反对特朗普政策的一部分。 Protesters gather at Arkansas Capitol as part of nationwide opposition to Trump policies.
2025 年 2 月 5 日,大约 200 人在小石城的阿肯色州议会大厦举行抗议活动,这是名为“50 场抗议,50 个州,1 天”的全国性运动的一部分。 On February 5, 2025, about 200 people protested at the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock as part of a nationwide movement called "50 Protests, 50 States, 1 Day." 示威者对特朗普总统的政策表示反对,包括对移民法、跨性别权利以及根据“2025 计划”解散联邦机构的担忧。 The demonstrators expressed opposition to President Trump's policies, including concerns over immigration laws, transgender rights, and the dismantling of federal agencies under "Project 2025." 这次抗议活动是美国各地许多类似事件之一,反映出对特朗普政府行动的反对日益强烈。 The protest was one of many similar events across the U.S., reflecting growing opposition to the Trump administration's actions.