抗议者聚集在阿肯色州国会大厦,作为全国抗议特朗普政策日的一部分。 Protesters gathered at Arkansas's Capitol as part of a national day of protests against Trump's policies.
2025 年 2 月 5 日,大约 200 名抗议者聚集在小石城的阿肯色州议会大厦,这是名为“50 场抗议,50 个州,1 天”的全国性抗议运动的一部分。 On February 5, 2025, about 200 protesters gathered at the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock, part of a nationwide protest movement called "50 Protests, 50 States, 1 Day." 抗议活动旨在表达对特朗普政府政策的反对,包括对行政命令、跨性别权利、大规模驱逐威胁和获取政府数据的担忧。 The protest aimed to express opposition to the policies of the Trump administration, including concerns over executive orders, transgender rights, mass deportation threats, and access to government data. 类似的示威活动也发生在美国各地的州议会大厦,通过在线平台组织起来,以表达对政府行动的不满。 Similar demonstrations took place at state capitols across the U.S., organized through online platforms, to voice disapproval of the administration's actions.