洛杉矶道奇队面临最大的奢侈税罚款 1030万美元, 领头MLB队 311.3M总税单。 The Los Angeles Dodgers face the largest luxury tax penalty at $103M, leading MLB teams in a $311.3M total tax bill.
洛杉矶道奇队领导了九个主要联盟棒球队,受到创纪录的1.03亿美元的奢侈税罚款,其次是纽约大都会队9 710万美元。 The Los Angeles Dodgers led nine Major League Baseball teams with a record $103 million luxury tax penalty, followed by the New York Mets with $97.1 million. 税单总额达3.113亿美元,高于2021年的2.098亿美元。 The total tax bill reached $311.3 million, up from $209.8 million in 2021. 超过2.37亿美元门槛值的团队面临50%、62%、95%和超过门槛值的110%的税率。 Teams exceeding the $237 million threshold faced tax rates of 50%, 62%, 95%, and 110% for amounts over the threshold. 税款用于玩家福利、退休基金和收入分享。 The tax money goes towards player benefits, retirement funds, and revenue sharing. 明年的门槛值将是2.41亿美元。 Next year's threshold will be $241 million.