A Kroger损失预防官员在亚特兰大被刺伤;该官员稳定,一名嫌疑人被捕。 A Kroger loss prevention officer was stabbed in Atlanta; the officer is stable, and one suspect was caught.
星期四下午5时30分左右,亚特兰大Lindbergh地区的一家Kroger商店的一名预防损失官员被刺伤。 A loss prevention officer at a Kroger store in Atlanta's Lindbergh area was stabbed around 5:30 p.m. on Thursday. 警官处于稳定状态,意识清醒。 The officer is in stable condition and conscious. 一名嫌犯被捕,但动机仍在调查之中。 One suspect was apprehended, but the motive is still under investigation. 商店暂时关闭,供调查之用,但下午7时过后不久重新开业。 事件发生后,客户表达了安全关切。 The store temporarily closed for the investigation but reopened shortly after 7 p.m. Customers expressed safety concerns following the incident.