喀拉拉邦宣布940万美元的项目, 援助2022年山崩的幸存者, Kerala announces $94M project to aid survivors of 2022 landslides, creating resilient townships.
喀拉拉邦财政部长宣布为2022年Wayanad山崩(造成250多人死亡)的幸存者实施750克郎的复原项目。 Kerala's Finance Minister announced a ₹750 crore rehabilitation project for survivors of the 2022 Wayanad landslides, which killed over 250 people. 这些资金将来自包括救灾基金在内的各种来源。 The funds will come from various sources, including the Disaster Relief Fund. 该项目将建造两个模范乡镇,其基础设施如学校和医院,具有复原力。 The project will build two model townships with resilient infrastructure like schools and hospitals. 尽管面临财政挑战,但国家预算还包括其他福利和发展举措。 Despite financial challenges, the state budget also includes other welfare and development initiatives.