法官批准格鲁吉亚铁路项目的名地,引起土地所有者的呼吁。 Judge approves eminent domain for Georgia railroad project, sparking landowners' appeal.
一位格鲁吉亚法官允许桑德斯维尔铁路公司利用名地为其汉森·斯普尔项目获取土地,该项目旨在改善贸易和减少卡车交通。 A Georgia judge has allowed the Sandersville Railroad to use eminent domain to acquire land for its Hanson Spur project, aimed at improving trade and reducing truck traffic. 由自由司法学会代表的受影响的土地所有者正在对这一决定提出上诉,他们争辩说,这些福利主要用于铁路。 The decision is being appealed by affected landowners, represented by the libertarian Institute for Justice, who argue the benefits are primarily for the railroad. 在对案件提出上诉期间,法官暂时停止了建筑工程。 The judge has temporarily halted construction while the case is appealed.