爱荷华州立法者和土地所有者主张限制私营公司对碳捕获管道的征用权,推进众议院文件 2522。 Iowa lawmakers and landowners advocate for restrictions on private companies' eminent domain for carbon capture pipelines, advancing House File 2522.
爱荷华州立法者和土地所有者推动限制私营公司使用二氧化碳捕获管道征用权。 Iowa lawmakers and landowners push for restrictions on private companies' use of eminent domain for carbon dioxide capture pipelines. 众议院2522号文件允许受征用权诉讼影响的土地所有者或爱荷华州公用事业委员会的申请人向法院请求宣告令,以确定征用权请求的权利和合宪性,该文件已从众议院筹款委员会提出。 House File 2522, which allows landowners affected by eminent domain proceedings or applicants before the Iowa Utilities Board to petition a court for a declaratory order to determine rights and the constitutionality of eminent domain requests, has advanced out of the House Ways and Means Committee. 该法案旨在在上诉期间提供公平的决策过程并保护财产权。 The bill aims to provide a fair decision-making process during appeals and protect property rights.