Jess Skinner,前开发商, 成为澳大利亚女子橄榄球队的临时教练, 吉拉罗斯队。 Jess Skinner, a former developer, becomes interim coach of the Australian women's rugby league team, the Jillaroos.
Jess Skinner, 西澳大利亚州前联盟标签开发商, 被任命为澳大利亚女子橄榄球队Jillaroos的临时教练。 Jess Skinner, a former league tag developer in Western Australia, has been appointed as the interim coach of the Jillaroos, the Australian women's rugby league team. 她取代了Brad Donald 在调查他使用肮脏语言后辞职的Brad Donald She replaces Brad Donald, who resigned following an investigation into his use of foul language. 斯金纳将于 3 月 1 日在拉斯维加斯带领 Jillaroos 队与英格兰队进行一场测试赛。 Skinner will lead the Jillaroos into a Test match against England in Las Vegas on March 1. 她以前曾指导纽卡斯尔骑士队NRLW队和NRL土著妇女学院。 She previously coached the Newcastle Knights' NRLW team and the NRL Indigenous Women's Academy. 该小队包括共同队长Kezie Apps和Ali Brigginshaw。 The squad includes co-captains Kezie Apps and Ali Brigginshaw.