Carla Ward,前俱乐部经理,被任命为爱尔兰女子足球队新首席教练。 Carla Ward, former club manager, appointed as new head coach of Ireland's women's soccer team.
包括Aston Villa和Birmingham市在内的俱乐部前经理Carla Ward被任命为爱尔兰共和国妇女足球队的新总教练。 Carla Ward, former manager of clubs including Aston Villa and Birmingham City, has been appointed as the new head coach of the Republic of Ireland women's soccer team. Ward的合同通过2027年国际足联妇女世界杯运动延长。 Ward's contract extends through the 2027 FIFA Women's World Cup campaign. 她接替了Eileen Gleeson,Alan Mahoon和Emma Byrne将协助她工作。 She succeeds Eileen Gleeson and will be assisted by Alan Mahon and Emma Byrne. 沃德对有机会在爱尔兰发展女子足球表示兴奋, 并带领球队获得参加大型锦标赛的资格。 Ward expressed excitement about the opportunity to develop women's football in Ireland and lead the team to qualify for major tournaments. 会计师协会强调,她的经验和专长是她甄选的关键因素。 The FAI highlighted her experience and expertise as key factors in her selection.