日本批准新的网络防御法律, 允许针对网络攻击采取先发制人的行动, Japan approves new cyber defense laws allowing preemptive action against cyberattacks, with privacy concerns.
日本内阁已经批准了新的网络防御立法, 允许政府针对网络攻击采取先发制人的行动。 Japan's Cabinet has approved new cyber defense legislation allowing the government to take preemptive action against cyberattacks. 该法案允许警察和自卫队消除威胁,并要求关键的基础设施运营商报告任何袭击。 The bill permits the police and Self-Defense Forces to neutralize threats and requires critical infrastructure operators to report any attacks. 该法还设立了一个新的网络安全站,并对不遵守规定或泄露信息的行为进行处罚。 It also establishes a new cybersecurity post and imposes penalties for non-compliance or information leaks. 该立法旨在加强日本的网络安全能力,但引起了对隐私权的担忧。 The legislation aims to strengthen Japan's cybersecurity capabilities but raises concerns about privacy rights.