Honeywell计划到2026年中期分成三家公司,目的是提高市场的灵活性。 Honeywell plans to split into three companies by mid-2026, aiming for greater market agility.
Honeywell计划在2026年下半年前分成三家独立公司,将自动化、航空航天和先进材料业务分开。 Honeywell plans to split into three independent companies by the second half of 2026, separating its automation, aerospace, and advanced materials businesses. 此举旨在使每个实体在通用电气公司和Alcoa公司采取类似行动后更加灵活,更有能力适应市场变化。 This move aims to make each entity more agile and better positioned to adapt to market changes, following similar actions by General Electric and Alcoa. 拆分被视为是对股东要求简化结构和释放价值的压力的一种反应。 The split is seen as a response to shareholder pressure to simplify structures and unlock value.