9人,包括6名学生,在一辆校车与一辆未能投降的吉普车相撞后住院治疗。 Nine people, including six students, were hospitalized after a school bus collided with a Jeep that failed to yield.
一辆运载41R.B.的校车。 A school bus carrying 41 R.B. 在南卡罗来纳州北查尔斯顿,Stall High School 的学生在吉普车未能让行后与一辆吉普车相撞。 Stall High School students collided with a Jeep in North Charleston, South Carolina, after the Jeep failed to yield the right of way. 这次坠机于上午8时30分在爱国者大道上发生,导致9人住院,其中包括6名学生。 The crash, which happened at 8:30 a.m. on Patriot Boulevard, resulted in nine people, including six students, being hospitalized. 这条道路在重新开放之前关闭了大约两个半小时。 The road was closed for about two and a half hours before reopening. 这起事件中提到了吉普车司机。 The Jeep driver was cited for the incident.