金州勇士队以 $60M 的交易换来了吉米巴特勒,旨在加强他们的阵容。 Golden State Warriors traded for Jimmy Butler in a $60M deal, aiming to bolster their roster.
金州勇士队以两赛季价值 6000 万美元的重大交易换来了迈阿密热火队球星吉米巴特勒,其中包括球员和一个选秀权。 The Golden State Warriors traded for Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler in a significant deal valued at $60 million over two seasons, including players and a draft pick. 这笔交易旨在保持勇士队的竞争力,将巴特勒与斯蒂芬库里配对,并可能延长球队的成功窗口。 The trade aims to keep the Warriors competitive, pairing Butler with Steph Curry and potentially extending the team's success window. 迈阿密热火队由于内部戏剧性事件与巴特勒分道扬镳,这一举动被认为对两支球队都有利,增强了勇士队的阵容,并为热火队的未来举动提供了资产。 Miami Heat parted ways with Butler due to internal drama, and this move is seen as beneficial for both teams, enhancing the Warriors' roster and giving the Heat assets for future moves.