迈阿密热火队的吉米·巴特勒因交易传闻和最近的球队冲突而停赛两场。 Miami Heat's Jimmy Butler suspended for two games, amid trade rumors and recent team conflicts.
迈阿密热火队球星吉米·巴特勒在错过了一次球队航班后被停赛两场,这是他本月的第二次停赛。 Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler has been suspended for two games after missing a team flight, his second suspension this month. 巴特勒正在迈阿密寻求交易 他的缺席影响了团队的表现 Butler is seeking a trade from Miami, and his absences have affected the team's performance. 以前不愿与他交换的热量现在表示,他们将听从提议。 The Heat, previously unwilling to trade him, have now said they will listen to offers. 随着贸易截止日期的临近,巴特勒在迈阿密的未来仍然不确定。 Butler's future in Miami remains uncertain as the trade deadline approaches.