格鲁吉亚众议院迅速通过年中国家预算,几乎没有人反对。 Georgia's House quickly passes mid-year state budget with little opposition.
格鲁吉亚众议院已经批准了一项年中国家预算,标志着立法机构的迅速通过。 The Georgia House has approved a mid-year state budget, marking a swift passage through the legislature. 这一预算满足了国家财政需求,在财政年度中途通过时没有遇到任何重大反对。 This budget, which addresses the state's financial needs halfway through the fiscal year, was passed without significant opposition. 报告中没有提供具体拨款或变动的详细情况。 Details on specific allocations or changes were not provided in the reports.