Drake Hansen, 18岁,据称因在棕榈海滩花园纵火焚烧一名同学的汽车而被捕。 Drake Hansen, 18, arrested for allegedly setting fire to a classmate's car in Palm Beach Gardens.
Drake Hansen, 18岁,来自Dwyer高中,据称于1月26日在Palm Beach花园纵火焚烧同学的汽车而被捕。 Drake Hansen, an 18-year-old from Dwyer High School, was arrested for allegedly setting fire to a classmate's car in Palm Beach Gardens on January 26. 汉森通过监视录像和朋友的供认 被确认为二级纵火指控 Identified through surveillance videos and a confession from a friend, Hansen faces a second-degree arson charge. 调查仍在继续,可能还会逮捕更多人。 The investigation continues, and additional arrests may be made.