两名少年因在爱荷华州德莫因斯的林肯高中点燃小火被捕; 疏散,没有伤亡, 2 juveniles arrested for starting small fire at Lincoln High School, Des Moines, Iowa; evacuation, no injuries, first-degree arson charges.
两名青少年因星期三下午在爱荷华州德斯莫因林肯高中的一间浴室起小火而被捕。 Two juveniles were arrested for starting a small fire in a bathroom at Lincoln High School in Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday afternoon. 据报大约下午2时发生火灾,导致学校撤离,但没有人受伤。 The fire, reported around 2 p.m., led to the evacuation of the school, but no injuries occurred. 损害主要来自烟雾,清理工作正在进行中。 Damage was mainly from smoke, and cleanup is in progress. 青少年面临一级纵火指控,目前正在进行调查。 The juveniles face first-degree arson charges, and an investigation is ongoing. KCCI提供最新消息, Local news outlet KCCI is providing updates on the situation.