中国让十家保险公司投资黄金, 实现资产多样化及促进金融管理。 China lets ten insurers invest in gold to diversify assets and boost financial management.
中国启动了一项试点方案,允许选定的保险公司投资于黄金,使其资产分配多样化,改善财务管理。 China has initiated a pilot program allowing selected insurance companies to invest in gold to diversify their asset allocation and improve financial management. 十家公司现在可以通过各种渠道投资于黄金,包括现货合同和租赁业务,作为其长期战略的一部分。 Ten companies can now invest in gold through various channels, including spot contracts and leasing operations, as part of their long-term strategies. 预计这一举动将刺激黄金需求,促进保险业的发展。 This move is expected to boost gold demand and enhance the insurance industry's development.