芝加哥黑鹰的Jason Dickinson因为脚踝扭伤 出场至少两场比赛 Chicago Blackhawks' Jason Dickinson out for at least two games due to a high ankle sprain.
芝加哥黑鹰球员Jason Dickinson 在一场与Edmonton石油公司的比赛中 脚踝扭伤很重 这让他至少不能参加两场比赛 Chicago Blackhawks player Jason Dickinson suffered a high ankle sprain during a game against the Edmonton Oilers, which will keep him out for at least two games. 最初,伤势似乎很严重,但测试显示没有打折或膝盖受损。 Initially, the injury seemed severe, but tests showed no breaks or knee damage. 迪金森,一个关键的防守前方, 本季表现良好。 Dickinson, a key defensive forward, had been performing well this season. 已经为受伤而挣扎的黑鹰在替代他的领导和游戏贡献方面面临着挑战。 The Blackhawks, already struggling with injuries, face challenges in replacing his leadership and game contributions.