纽约游骑兵队前锋布雷克·惠勒在对阵蒙特利尔加拿大人队的比赛中,被后卫杰登·斯特鲁布尔撞倒在网后,导致右腿下半身受伤。 New York Rangers forward Blake Wheeler sustained a lower-body injury to his right leg during a game against Montreal Canadiens, when defenseman Jayden Struble knocked him down behind the net.
在对阵蒙特利尔加拿大人队的比赛中,纽约游骑兵队前锋布雷克·惠勒的右腿下半身受伤。 During a game against the Montreal Canadiens, New York Rangers forward Blake Wheeler sustained a lower-body injury to his right leg. 事件发生时,蒙特利尔队后卫杰登·斯特鲁布尔(Jayden Struble)将惠勒撞倒在加拿大人队网后,导致他的腿以不自然的角度弯曲。 The incident occurred when Montreal defenseman Jayden Struble knocked Wheeler down behind the Canadiens net, resulting in his leg bending at an unnatural angle. 惠勒必须在有人协助下离开冰场,并且不会重返比赛。 Wheeler had to be assisted off the ice and will not return to the game.