加拿大平均租金下降4.4%,降至2 100美元,在增加38美元后又下降4个月。 Canadian average rents drop 4.4% to $2,100, marking four months of decline after 38 increases.
加拿大平均索要租金在1月达到18个月的最低点,从4.4%降至2 100美元,在38次连续增长后连续第四个月下降。 Average asking rents in Canada hit an 18-month low in January, down 4.4% to $2,100, marking the fourth consecutive month of declines after 38 straight increases. 尽管如此,房租仍然比两年前高5.2%,比三年前高16.4%。 Despite this, rents are still 5.2% higher than two years ago and 16.4% higher than three years ago. 安大略省的租金下降幅度最大,公寓租金下降了5.2%,不列颠哥伦比亚省的租金下降了2.6%。 Ontario saw the steepest declines, with apartment rents falling 5.2%, while British Columbia's rents decreased 2.6%. 这一下降归因于经济风险、移民减少和公寓供应增加。 The decline is attributed to economic risks, lower immigration, and increased apartment supply.