Meher Afroz Shaon和Sohana Saba的女演员在孟加拉国骚乱中被捕;Shaon的家被示威者烧毁。 Actress Meher Afroz Shaon and Sohana Saba arrested amid Bangladesh unrest; Shaon's home burned by protesters.
2025年2月6日, 孟加拉国女演员兼导演Meher Afroz Shaon与女演员Sohana Saba被达卡市警察局侦探处拘留。 On February 6, 2025, Bangladeshi actress and director Meher Afroz Shaon and actress Sohana Saba were taken into custody by Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s Detective Branch. Shaon因被控阴谋反政府而被捕,而Saba被拘留的理由没有披露。 Shaon was arrested on charges of conspiring against the state, while reasons for Saba’s detention were not disclosed. 抗议者纵火焚烧了Shaon的祖传住宅。 Shaon’s ancestral home was set on fire by protesters. 两位女演员都公开反对孟加拉国临时政府, Both actresses have spoken out against Bangladesh's interim government and have ties to ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 逮捕发生在最近抗议活动之后的全国性动乱之中。 The arrests come amid nationwide unrest following recent protests.