疑似乌克兰无人机袭击导致俄罗斯的Astrakhan天然气厂起火,导致城市的气味。 Suspected Ukrainian drone strike causes fire at Russia's Astrakhan Gas Plant, leading to gas odor in city.
乌克兰无人机对俄罗斯的Astrakhan天然气加工厂发动攻击, 导致火灾和停机, A suspected Ukrainian drone strike on Russia's Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant led to a fire and shutdown, causing a strong gas odor in the city. 伊戈尔·巴布什金总督向居民保证,天然气在露天空间无害,空气质量随着气体的散落将正常化。 Governor Igor Babushkin reassured residents that natural gas is not harmful in open spaces and that air quality will normalize as the gas disperses. 该厂是汽油和柴油的主要生产国,正试图重新开始运营,这可能会在今后几天中造成更多的气体排放。 The plant, a major producer of gasoline and diesel, was attempting to restart operations, which might cause further gas emissions in the coming days.