韩国2024年的经常账户盈余创下990.4亿美元创纪录, South Korea's 2024 current account surplus hit a record $99.04 billion, driven by robust exports.
韩国2024年的经常账户盈余创下了990.4亿美元的历史新纪录,比前一年增加了三倍以上。 South Korea's current account surplus in 2024 hit a record $99.04 billion, more than tripling from the previous year. 强劲的出口增加了8.2%,达到6 838亿美元的新高,并增加了股息收入,从而刺激了这一激增。 This surge was fueled by strong exports, which rose 8.2% to a new high of $683.8 billion, and increased dividend income. 尽管如此,服务账户由于海外旅行增加而出现21.1亿美元的赤字。 Despite this, the services account showed a $2.11 billion deficit due to higher overseas travel. 韩国银行预测2025年盈余800亿美元,但风险包括贸易不确定性和潜在的关税。 The Bank of Korea forecasts a surplus of $80 billion for 2025, though risks include trade uncertainties and potential tariffs.