尽管外汇储备下降,但韩国连续六个月出现贸易顺差。 South Korea records sixth straight month of trade surplus despite falling foreign reserves.
韩国 10 月份连续第六个月保持经常账户顺差,顺差为 97.8 亿美元。 South Korea maintained a current account surplus for the sixth straight month in October, with a surplus of $9.78 billion. 出口增长了 4%,尤其是半导体,而进口下降了 0.7%。 Exports increased by 4%, particularly in semiconductors, while imports fell by 0.7%. 尽管如此,由于美元走强,该国的外汇储备连续第二个月下降。 Despite this, the country's foreign reserves declined for the second month due to a strong US dollar. 政府旨在在全球不确定性的情况下加强与美国的关系。 The government aims to strengthen ties with the US amid global uncertainties.