南达科他州委员会拒绝削减州立图书馆的预算 无视前任州长的推动 South Dakota committee rejects budget cuts to state library, defying former governor's push.
南达科他州众议院教育委员会投票反对削减国家图书馆的预算, The South Dakota House Education Committee voted against cutting the State Library's budget, despite a push from former Governor Kristi Noem. 拟议削减的目的是节省130万美元的国家资金,但由于担心对当地图书馆服务和资源的影响而面临强烈反对。 The proposed cuts, aimed at saving $1.3 million in state funds, faced strong opposition due to concerns over impacts on local library services and resources. 该委员会建议反对削减,这反映了关于平衡国家预算和优先教育经费的更广泛辩论。 The committee recommended against the cuts, reflecting a broader debate on balancing the state budget and prioritizing educational funding.