尼日利亚参议院批准终止在2023年选举中3名选举官员的不当行为。 Nigerian Senate approves termination of three electoral officials over 2023 election misconduct.
尼日利亚参议院已批准终止索科托州、阿达马瓦州和阿比阿州的三名驻地选举专员,原因是据称在2023年选举期间发生不当行为。 The Nigerian Senate has approved the termination of three Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECs) from Sokoto, Adamawa, and Abia states due to alleged misconduct during the 2023 elections. 区域经济共同体去年被暂停,参议院的核准是在博拉·蒂努布总统要求撤除它们之后作出的。 The RECs were suspended last year, and the Senate's approval follows President Bola Tinubu's request to remove them. 决定符合《尼日利亚宪法》第157条,要求获得三分之二多数票。 The decision adheres to Section 157 of the Nigerian Constitution, requiring a two-thirds majority vote. 预计总统将就决议采取行动,正式解除他们的职务。 The President is expected to act on the resolution to officially remove them from office.