尼日利亚法院通过推翻选民登记册的释放禁令,为里弗斯州选举扫清了道路。 Nigerian court clears path for Rivers State elections by overturning voter register release ban.
尼日利亚阿布贾上诉法院推翻了联邦高等法院的一项裁决,该项裁决阻止了里弗斯州地方政府选举选民登记册的公布。 The Nigerian Court of Appeal in Abuja overturned a Federal High Court decision that had prevented the release of voter registers for Rivers State's local government elections. 上诉法院裁定,联邦高等法院对此事项没有管辖权,《选举法》并不涵盖州一级的选举。 The appellate court ruled that the Federal High Court lacked jurisdiction in the matter and that the Electoral Act does not cover state-level elections. 这一决定允许全国独立选举委员会(独立选举委员会)着手举行选举。 This decision allows the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to proceed with the elections.