因涉嫌大麻粉碎实验室而在华盛顿被捕的男子,这有爆炸风险。 Man arrested in Washington for suspected cannabis shatter lab, which poses explosion risk.
一名40多岁的男子在华盛顿被捕,因为警方在他的财产中发现了一个疑似大麻粉碎实验室。 A man in his 40s was arrested in Washington after police found a suspected cannabis shatter lab at his property. 官员发现了工业设备和四袋大麻,警告说,大麻油的生产方法可能导致危险的爆炸。 Officers discovered industrial equipment and four bags of cannabis, warning that the production methods for cannabis oil can lead to dangerous explosions. 该名男子被保释释放,警察敦促公众报告任何可疑的毒品生产活动。 The man was released on bail, and police urged the public to report any suspicious drug production activities.