Khloe Kardashian和前夫Lamar Odom在“Kardashian人”上尴尬地团聚了近九年。 Khloe Kardashian and ex-husband Lamar Odom reunited awkwardly on "The Kardashians" after nearly nine years.
Khloe Kardashian和前夫Lamar Odom在2月6日“Kardashians”第6季首映仪式上重新团聚, Khloe Kardashian and ex-husband Lamar Odom reunited on the season 6 premiere of "The Kardashians" on Feb. 6, nearly nine years after their divorce. 他们在Khloe的朋友Malika Haqq家的感情会面很尴尬和紧张, Lamar似乎很紧张, Their emotional meeting, at the home of Khloe's friend Malika Haqq, was awkward and tense, with Lamar appearing nervous and Khloe admitting to having little emotion. 节目回顾了他们六年乱的婚姻,以吸毒和不忠为标志,最后留言"要继续",暗示了他们关系的未来发展. The episode, which looked back on their turbulent six-year marriage marked by drug addiction and infidelity, ended with a "To Be Continued" message, suggesting future developments in their relationship.