据传金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 与妹妹科勒 (Khloe) 的前伴侣有着严重的恋情。 Kim Kardashian's rumored serious romance with ex-partner of sister Khloe.
据报道,金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 与姐姐科勒 (Khloe) 的前男友小奥德尔·贝克汉姆 (Odell Beckham Jr.) 的恋情正在变得严肃起来。 Kim Kardashian's rumoured romance with sister Khloe's ex, Odell Beckham Jr, is reportedly getting serious. 自九月以来,这位真人秀明星与巴尔的摩乌鸦队球员劳伦·洛洛·伍德分手后就与他联系在一起。 The reality TV star has been linked to the Baltimore Ravens player since September, following his break-up from Lauren 'Lolo' Wood. 据报道,在事情开始升温后,这对夫妇正试图弄清楚他们关系的下一步。 The couple are reportedly trying to figure out the next steps of their relationship after things started heating up.