喀拉拉法院建议由妇女领导的电影政策委员会解决产业剥削问题。 Kerala court recommends woman-led film policy committee to address industry exploitation.
喀拉拉高等法院建议州政府任命一名电影政策委员会主席,在赫马委员会关于电影业性剥削问题的报告发表之后,该委员会主席将激发人们对妇女的信心。 The Kerala High Court has recommended that the state government appoint a Chairperson for a film policy committee who inspires confidence in women, following the Hema Committee's report on sexual exploitation in the film industry. 法院还要求政府在 3 月的下一次听证会之前提供即将举行的电影院会议的详细信息。 The court also asked the government to provide details of the upcoming cinema conclave before the next hearing in March. 国家已经从140多个组织收集了有关新立法的投入,以保护娱乐业中的妇女。 The state has already gathered input from over 140 organizations for new legislation to protect women in the entertainment industry.