印度是皮革展的东道主, 目的是在2030年前在「印度制造」计划下, 实现470亿美元的营业额。 India hosts leather expo to boost exports, aiming for $47 billion turnover by 2030 under "Make in India" initiative.
皮革出口理事会将于2月20日至21日在新德里主办德里国际皮革博览会(DILEX),目的是促进印度皮革工业和出口。 The Council for Leather Exports (CLE) will host the Delhi International Leather Expo (DILEX) in New Delhi from February 20-21, aiming to boost India's leather industry and exports. 支持政府「印度制造」及「阿特曼尼尔堡(Atmanirbhar Bharat)」倡议, 对湿蓝色皮革实行零基本关税等改革, 并取消皮革出口税。 The event supports the government's "Make in India" and "Atmanirbhar Bharat" initiatives, offering reforms like zero Basic Customs Duty on wet blue leather and removing export duties on crust leather. 政府还推出一揽子特别方案,以提高鞋类部门的生产力和竞争力,目标是到2030年实现470亿美元的营业额,其中137亿美元来自出口。 The government also introduced a special package to enhance footwear sector productivity and competitiveness, targeting a $47 billion turnover by 2030, with $13.7 billion from exports.