谷歌在人工智能工具分享了关于高达奶酪的错误统计数据后, 纠正了超级碗广告. Google corrected a Super Bowl ad after its AI tool shared a false statistic about Gouda cheese.
Google纠正了一个超级碗广告, 它的AI工具Gemini, 它错误地声称Gouda奶酪占了世界奶酪消费的50%至60%。 Google corrected a Super Bowl ad featuring its AI tool, Gemini, after it mistakenly claimed Gouda cheese makes up 50 to 60 percent of the world's cheese consumption. 该广告经过编辑,删除了从不可靠来源获取的虚假统计数字。 The ad was edited to remove the false statistic, which was taken from an unreliable source. 订正版现在只写着古达是「世界上最受欢迎的奶酪之一」。 The revised version now only states that Gouda is "one of the most popular cheeses in the world." 事件突出了人们对人工智能获取信息的准确性. The incident highlights concerns about AI's accuracy in sourcing information.