谷歌的 Gemini 人工智能工具因对种族主义纠正过度而面临批评。 Google's Gemini AI tool faces criticism for overcorrecting against racism.
谷歌的 Gemini AI 工具可以根据书面查询创建图像,但该工具因过度纠正种族主义风险而受到批评,该工具提供了不同性别和种族的图像,即使这些图像在历史上并不准确。 Google's Gemini AI tool, which creates images in response to written queries, has drawn criticism for overcorrecting against the risk of being racist, providing images of diverse genders and ethnicities even when they are historically inaccurate. 该公司正在考虑用户反馈,努力改进该工具的描述。 The company is working to improve the tool's depictions, taking user feedback into account. 谷歌的 Gemini 机器人上周发布,但因显得“过于清醒”而受到批评。 Google's Gemini bot was released last week and has faced criticism for appearing to be "overly woke."