前肯尼亚总理拉伊拉·奥丁加(Raila Odinga)承诺支持非洲私人投资。 Former Kenyan PM Raila Odinga pledges to boost private investments in Africa in AUC chair run.
肯尼亚前总理雷拉·奥丁加 (Raila Odinga) 承诺在当选后, 推动非洲私人投资. Former Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, running for African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson, pledges to boost private investments in Africa if elected. Odinga在内罗毕发言时强调私人投资对经济增长和创造就业的作用。 Speaking in Nairobi, Odinga emphasized the role of private investments in economic growth and job creation. 他强调肯尼亚开发世界级商业枢纽的潜力,以及利用非洲资源和青年人口吸引基础设施、技术和制造业投资的重要性。 He highlighted Kenya's potential for developing world-class commercial hubs and the importance of leveraging Africa's resources and youthful population to attract investment in infrastructure, technology, and manufacturing.