三名非洲领导人为非洲联盟主席举行辩论,推动联合国席位和区域统一。 Three African leaders debate for AU chair, pushing for UN seats and regional unity.
三名非洲政治家正在竞争担任非洲联盟主席。 Three African politicians are competing to become the African Union chairperson. 他们主张为非洲国家设立两个联合国安全理事会常任席位,并强调区域安全和非洲间贸易。 They advocate for two permanent UN Security Council seats for African countries and emphasize regional security and inter-Africa trade. 肯尼亚的拉伊拉·奥丁加、吉布提的马哈穆德·阿里·优素福和马达加斯加的理查德·兰德里亚曼德拉托等候选人参加了在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的辩论。 The candidates, Raila Odinga of Kenya, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf of Djibouti, and Richard Randriamandrato of Madagascar, participated in a debate in Addis Ababa. 他们讨论了冲突、政变以及非洲联盟内部团结和改革的必要性。 They addressed conflicts, coups, and the need for unity and reforms within the African Union. 冈比亚对Odinga的支持推动了他的竞选活动。 Gambia's support for Odinga has boosted his campaign.