林业发展局核准的zectrocutuuzumab显示,用NRG1基因聚变治疗先进癌症是有效的。 FDA-approved zenocutuzumab shows effectiveness in treating advanced cancers with NRG1 gene fusions.
新英格兰医学杂志发表临床试验结果,显示zectrocutuuzumab(BIZENGRI)有效治疗患有高级胰腺癌或患有NRG1基因聚变的非小细胞肺癌的患者。 The New England Journal of Medicine published results from a clinical trial showing zenocutuzumab (BIZENGRI®) is effective in treating patients with advanced pancreatic cancer or non-small cell lung cancer who have NRG1 gene fusions. 该药物经林业发展局核准,针对特定癌症驱动因素,在大约三分之一的病人中显示出积极反应。 The drug, approved by the FDA, targets specific cancer drivers and has shown positive responses in about one-third of patients. 这是美国食品和药物管理局为这些稀有基因改变 批准的首例治疗 This marks the first FDA-approved therapy for these rare genetic alterations.