欧盟批准将Lazertinib和Amivantamab相结合的新的肺癌治疗,这有望延长一年的寿命。 EU approves new lung cancer treatment combining Lazertinib and Amivantamab, promising over a year more life.
欧洲委员会已批准为EGFR改型的高级非小型细胞肺癌患者提供新的复方疗法。 The European Commission has approved a new combination therapy for patients with EGFR-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer. 结合Lazertinib和Amivantamab的治疗表明,与目前的Osimertinib标准相比,总体存活率有了显著改善,预计存活率将改善一年多。 The treatment, combining Lazertinib and Amivantamab, showed a significant improvement in overall survival compared to the current standard, Osimertinib, with an expected survival improvement of over one year. 这一批准是在2024年12月作出类似决定后作出的。 This approval follows a similar decision in December 2024.