肯塔基州贝尔郡的致命房屋火灾 要求至少一人死亡 正在调查中 Fatal house fire in Kentucky's Bell County claims at least one life, under investigation.
在肯塔基州Bell县的Page社区发生致命的房屋火灾,至少造成一人死亡。 A fatal house fire in Bell County's Page community in Kentucky resulted in at least one death. 据报告,星期三上午10时45分左右发生了火灾。 The fire was reported around 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday. 肯塔基州警方正在调查这一事件 Harlan县的警探正在前往现场 Kentucky State Police are investigating the incident, with detectives from Harlan County en route to the scene. 随着调查的继续进行,进一步细节尚待进一步说明。 Further details are pending as the investigation continues.