Edo州州长因金融不当行为指控而暂停顶级官员的职务。 Edo State's Governor suspends top officials over financial misconduct allegations.
Edo州州长暂停州检察长Samson Osagie和地方政府服务委员会主席Damian Lawani的职务,因为有人指控他们犯有严重的财务不当行为。 Edo State's Governor suspended the state's Attorney General, Samson Osagie, and the chairman of the Local Government Service Commission, Damian Lawani, due to allegations of serious financial misconduct. 已经成立了一个调查委员会来调查指控,在调查完成之前,暂停执行的情况保持不变。 An investigative committee has been formed to probe the allegations, with the suspensions remaining in place until the investigation is complete. 这两名官员都是在不到三个月前获得任命的。 Both officials were appointed less than three months ago.